SpecMerge - Software to merge two spectra in VisualSpec format (.spc) This is a freeware software! The developer (Manfred Schwarz Austria) is not liable for the function of this software or for problems which are caused by this software. The use of this software is on your own risk. Requirements: Windows 7 or 8 Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5 (Download: http://www.astrophoto.at/SbigControl/dotNetFx45_Full_setup.exe) Microsoft Redistributable 2013 (Download: http://www.astrophoto.at/SbigControl/vcredist_x86.exe) Installation: Run setup.exe Using: 1) produce 2 spectra of the same object with overlapping wave length area with VisualSpec in *.spc format 2) level the flux (Y-axis) of the spectra to aproximate the same value (e.g. 1.5) 3a) Uncalibrated spectra: search the pixel position of each spectra to merge (for example 4266, 1348) 3b) Calibrated spectra: search the best wave length to combine both spectra (for example 4352 Angstrom) 4) start SpecMerge.exe 5) Select the folder of the spectra by pressing "Select Folder" 6) Select the spectrum with the lower wave length by pressing "Spec with lower wave length" 7) Select the spectrum with the higher wave length by pressing "Spec with higher wave length" 8a) Uncalibrated spectra: enter the both pixel positions for merge (for example 4266, 1348) 8b) Calibrated spectra: Enter the desires wave length for combination (for example 4352) 9) Enter the desired output file name 10) If you want to generate additional to the combined spectrum in SPC format an Excel "CSV" file, then check "Additional CSV output" 11) Press "Generate" to generate the new file(s) in the specified folder of step 5) What does SpecMerge? 1) It levels both spectra to the same flux 2) It merge both spectra to one and store it in a new "SPC" file 3) If "Additional CSV output" is checked, it generate additionally a CSV file which can open e.g. with Microsoft Excel 4) If "No merge, only convert SPC to CSV" is checked, the spectrum "Spec with lower wave length" is converted into a CSV file Home Page: http://www.astrophoto.at